Newsletter Interlude: Join The Fifth Annual Will Leitch Newsletter (Now With "The Long Game With LZ and Leitch") Tournament Pool
Win the right to assign me a newsletter topic, five signed books and a guest appearance on "The Long Game With LZ and Leitch" podcast.
Hello, my newsletter friends. (I think we are friends. I hope you consider me a friend.)
For the fifth year, we are running a Will Leitch Newsletter NCAA Men’s Basketball Pool. It is free to enter. If you win the newsletter pool, you become my assigning editor: I will write a newsletter about whatever you request. It can be anything. Four years ago, I wrote about a Serial Killer Baseball team. Two years ago, I wrote about book-to-movie translations. Last year I wrote about the difference between writing fiction and non-fiction. Whatever you want me to write about, I will write about. All you have to do is win this pool.
There are added bonuses this year. We’ve partnered with The Recount, the publishers of my “The Long Game With LZ and Leitch” podcast, to come up with more prizes … and more pools. The winner not only gets to assign me a newsletter, they also get to make a guest appearance on “The Long Game With LZ and Leitch.” And there are two sets of prizes because there are two different pools. For the first (and overdue) time, we are doing a Will Leitch Newsletter NCAA Women’s Basketball Pool. If you win that pool, you get the same prize package. And remember: It is free to enter.
So, to remind:
Your prizes:
Newsletter Assigning Editor Status
Guest Appearance on “The Long Game With LZ and Leitch” Podcast.
Five Signed Copies of “How Lucky.”
The Eternal Respect of Your Friends and Family, At Last
So! Join!
Now back to your regularly scheduled newsletter programming. Goodbye. I miss you: See you Saturday.