Newsletter Interlude: Join The Sixth Annual Will Leitch Newsletter Tournament Pool
Winner, in both men's and women's bracket, wins the right to assign a newsletter, six signed books and a potential bookstore event.
Hello, my newsletter friends. (I think we are friends. I hope you consider me a friend.)
For the sixth year, we are running a Will Leitch Newsletter NCAA Pool. It is free to enter. If you win the newsletter pool, you become my assigning editor: I will write a newsletter about whatever you request. It can be anything. Five years ago, I wrote about a Serial Killer Baseball team. Three years ago, I wrote about book-to-movie translations. Two years ago, I wrote about the difference between writing fiction and non-fiction. Last year I wrote about mascots. Whatever you want me to write about, I will write about. All you have to do is win this pool.
There are added bonuses again this year. The winner not only gets to assign me a newsletter, they win signed copies of all six of my books, including the upcoming The Time Has Come, and, in an extension of the ongoing pre-order contest, a guest appearance at a bookstore in your town (assuming the bookstore is interested in making it happen, of course; this also must be claimed in the days after the pool is over so we can try to add it to the current tour). We are also doing a Will Leitch Newsletter NCAA Women’s Basketball Pool. If you win that pool, you get the same prize package. And remember: It is free to enter.
So, to remind:
Your prizes:
Newsletter Assigning Editor Status
Signed Copies of All Six of My Books
A Potential Appearance at Your Local Bookstore (Bookstore Pending)
The Eternal Respect of Your Friends and Family, At Last
So! Join!
Now back to your regularly scheduled newsletter programming. Goodbye. I miss you: See you Saturday. Go Illini.