It has to be impossible to be self-conscious once you turn 70. If you make it that far think about all the people you've known personally in your life who aren't around anymore. Most of the shows and movies you grew up watching as a kid...most of the casts are dead or the same age as you. Most of the writers you grew up reading, formative texts...dead.
This must cause a profound sadness in older people. No wonder some of them turn nuts.
Dragula has been on my playlist a few years
It has to be impossible to be self-conscious once you turn 70. If you make it that far think about all the people you've known personally in your life who aren't around anymore. Most of the shows and movies you grew up watching as a kid...most of the casts are dead or the same age as you. Most of the writers you grew up reading, formative texts...dead.
This must cause a profound sadness in older people. No wonder some of them turn nuts.
or read "WILL LEITCH"....
You are very fortunate to have two fabulous, active parents. Enjoy them as much as you can! And you obviously are.
I’m about 1/3 of the way through “The Time Has Come” and I’m enjoying it a lot. Coach Tepper?! Lol!
Know EXACTLY what they mean..... Weavers/Pete Seeger/"Anonymous":
"I get up each morning and dust off my wits,
Open the paper, and read the Obits.
If I’m not there, I know I’m not dead,
So I eat a good breakfast and go back to bed!"
As they say: Life goals.
almost there…. 😁
Rob Zombie is.....something.
Great article on La Lance. I wonder if it set a record for comments?
His behavior once again shows there is no shame. I first read of this phenomena in Bonfire of the Vanities. What a society we have become.....