You may be right about that Weezer song, but that whole album rules. I quite like their second album too. It is a shame they never made any more records after that.

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As a Baltimorean and die-hard Orioles fan, it warms my heart to see the Orioles in the silver medal spot. Of course, being in a different division and league, my rankings would be rearranged a bit, but the sentiments are generally the same. Especially the Diamondbacks– what is it that's just so... boring about them? Is it the name or location? I've always thought their uniforms were completely uninspiring, from their expansion year until now. Nevertheless, they move to top five for me just for Luis Gonzalez's felling of the Yankees and Rivera at their dominant peak. The days when the Yankees losing were as good as the Orioles winning. Glad we've moved on.

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Will. Oh Will. Although I enjoy your writing immensely and at one time thought you had a wise and intelligently critical eye, this poor piece of prose about the Giants proves otherwise:

“…all three of those World Series wins were pretty cheap and uninspiring, let alone having them all happen right after one another.”

Let’s both pretend you didn’t write that, I didn’t read that, and let’s move forward.

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I think this is fair, and I'll agree to pretend if you will as well. (Though I certainly believe that the 2010 one was pretty amazing! I remember Dave Eggers writing great stuff about it for Grantland too!)

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As a lifelong Giants fan since the 1980s, I can assure you that the 2010 win, at least, was pretty damn inspiring.

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It was awesome. And it’s so hard to win championships! They are never easy. Unless you are the Astros and cheat, maybe.

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I f-ing dread the election, and I love that baseball and writing about it is your happy place. We’re all gonna need a happy place to go to in the coming months.

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Only way to stay sane that I can figure out.

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Oof, giving the Reds the old Don Draper "I don't think about you at all" treatment. That's cold...

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I'm being kind!

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I once wrote a piece ranking every NHL team in order of preference, so this felt very familiar.

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Link please

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Yeah. And I hate HATE H A T E the Rays ballpark. Just a godawful place to play or watch the game we love.

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Still better than NOT watching a baseball game, though.

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We lived on the IL side of the Mississippi River from StL for 4 years, and it got into this southern girl’s heart and soul. We occasionally head up there, went last week, and get some games in. I know they are struggling but we got 2 good games where they beat the Red Sox and it was just as magical as it always was. I also love how they allow outside food and drink (with restrictions) and have relatively inexpensive bleacher seats so that families can attend without breaking the bank. My grandfather used to listen to KMOX in the night, all the way in central Louisiana, and he was a big Stan Musial fan. I figure I’m carrying on the family tradition. Thx for your writing, I’m a big fan of your books, as well. Geaux Cards!!

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That there are so many Cardinals fans in so many sections of the country is one of the best parts about being a Cardinals fan.

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Damn, you’re good. I’ve gotten into this weird habit of saving your posts in a folder, so I can refer back to them despite the fact they’re not hard copies and I can go to the source anytime. Anyway, have a great weekend!

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If I can ever talk my agent into trying to sell them as an anthology someday, maybe that'll make it easier.

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I just really needed to make sure that the Red Sox ranked below the Yankees and they did, so all is right with the world.

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lol yay Milwaukee and the sausage races!

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Max Lazar, he pitches for AAA Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs in the International League located in Allentown, Pa. They are the AAA affiliate of the Phillies. Will, we have had prior communication as I have read your last two books and I spent quite a bit of time in Mattoon, Illinois as a student at EIU in neighboring Charleston. Thanks for your interest in Max. Check out his stats, as objective as I can be I believe he has a reasonable chance to get to the big leagues.

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Weezer Blue Album is good and so is Pinkerton, but I'm pretty sure Weezer never made another album after those two

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Agreed, just a few stray covers and songs they play during hockey faceoffs.

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I am a Bay Area resident and if I remember correctly one of the Giants championships was preceded by a playoff series victory over your beloved Redbirds. In any event I could not agree with you more about Baseball being the best antidote and coping mechanism to offset the insanity of what our country may be in store for going forward. My wife and I have the good fortune of having our grandson pitching in AAA in the Phillies organization. We follow his games on the MILB app and when he pitches we hang on to each pitch with a high degree of intensity.. After each of his appearances my friends insist on receiving an update and description of his stint on the mound. Beyond our obvious love and pride we take in this young man I cannot tell you how this preoccupation with his pursuit and progress toward “The Show” serves as therapy as it relates to what is going on in our country and the world. My friends all seniors are living vicariously through our Grandson’s pursuit , but also it gives them a diversion from the MAGA crowd etc. Baseball should be a formal religion as it could heal us all and War would be extinct. I know of course this is a stretch but Basball will always be my national pastime.

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Oh, wow, this is exciting. What's your grandson's name?

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Yea, being stuck in Texas is no fun.

Our gubmint is run by evil crazy people.

Living in Austin is a shell of what it was 30 years ago before it took an hour to get anywhere and rich people moved here and bid up the price of everything.

If we didn't have good sports teams this state would be insufferable.....

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