A few thoughts: I’m not convinced that if “legacy media” had done anything differently that the election results would have been any different themselves. The LA Times and Washington Post making endorsements would have been the right thing to do, but whom would they have persuaded? It appears that there were way more low- and no-information voters that tipped the scales in 2024. How to reach people who virtually refuse to be reached is a very important puzzle we must solve. One day there will be an aspiring despot who might actually be a legit stable genius, and we’ll be in even deeper trouble if we can’t figure this out.

On journalism as a major, I think of writers as contemporary historians. I think of what’s happening in Syria right now. Who is unraveling all of that and telling the world what happened there? Journalists are. In whatever form of media we evolve to, we will always need journalists and writers.

Carry on, Writers! I am very grateful for you.

P.S. Mr. Leitch really does respond to letters. 😁

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My 84 year old husband was a journalist and the anchorman for the 6 and 11 o’clock news for several tv stations in Philly way back in the 70’s. (His name is Mike Matthews) There really was a code back then about verifying your sources before airing a story. Honesty in journalism did matter. My father-in-law was a political reporter in Harrisburg, PA and in Pittsburgh. He once told me that the amusing Inquirer type papers would be the death of truth in news reporting. He was so right.

Great post, by the way, lots to think about.

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Thanks for this pep talk, Will! I needed it.

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I was going to post my favorite line of inspiring wisdom, but I ended up with six screenshots and realized…yeah, not gonna pick one.this is great stuff, and I hope both creative young people and those who lose sleep over them find it.

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I've encouraged anyone who will listen to invest in a subscription to any of the three major national newspapers, New York Times, Washington Post, or the Wall Street Journal. Regardless of your political persuasion, these three (IMHO) still practice real journalism. Sure, you may disagree with some of their editorial content, but the reporting is quite good.

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Could not agree more. (And not just because I regularly write for all three of them--especially the Post.)

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Ha ! I WENT "into accounting" & came out selling used books. Take most of what you wrote about journalism..... make it about 80% less lucrative & well - there ya go..... 😁

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Ha. OK, so maybe "accounting" isn't the BEST example.

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Will, the next time you get the chance to give this speech, tell your listeners that a career in media offers the urgent opportunity for courage and bravery. Our legacy media failed us this election season in the most egregious way possible. Where I learned important insights, analysis and breaking news was from self-employed journalists (many writing on Substack, like you). The fourth estate is becoming another place for billionaires to make more money; the LA Times is just the canary in the coalmine. We need principled people who want to lift up the truth, as much as they can, not engage in sanewashing. I get that one of the crises in media is the instability of the job market. But the real issue is that the entire enterprise of a free press is in jeopardy. This is not a drill, folks.

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I drowned my sorrows by eating a whole lot of Indian food the night Soto took off. Added a Mango Lassi too.

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You just wrote your letter to the president of Illinois

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Well said, Will. I nominate you for commencement speaker. Betting President Killeen will be there. Only downside: probably not during basketball season. 🔸🔹

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Gonna have to do December ceremonies then!

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