I understand your frustration. My experience in college that parking in the driveway was a great way to get your car blocked in, then your housemate would be gone to class and you couldn't get out to go get groceries, go to walmart, go to the bar, or get out of town for the weekend. I remember taking summer classes once and having to wait 4 hours before my fraternity brother showed up to move his car when all I wanted was get out of that small town for a couple days. I don't think I parked in the driveway again that summer. If you don't trust the people you live with enough to have keys to your car, it's a problem.

As a relatively old guy in my office, the owner was grumbling that no one wanted to work anymore. I pointed out that most of his employees valued time off over regular pay for hours 35-50 worked in a week. When he offered more money to work extra shifts, he generally got the workers he wanted. For some reason, he didn't think the laws of supply and demand should apply to when he wanted to buy labor.

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Wait 'til you really ARE old & you yell at the people on the 5am "Sportscenter" to "SHUT UP" because they're talking about "your team" or some other "stupid" thing - WHILE telling those you're reading on your computer to "F... off" or something similar. Your just sorta "faux" old now....😁

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Even Better Than the Real Thing was probably the best visuals from the U2 Sphere concert, I thought. It was a lot, but not too much.

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Love the Q-Bert shoutout! That was an awesome game. And. . .get off my lawn!

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My mom would yell at other drivers and call them turkeys. Apparently, one day, I looked out the window and said, "I don't see any turkeys."

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I feel your pain. All those empty driveways!!

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